BREAK THE MOLD™ Visioning & Strategy Workshop

An all-day personalized strategy session with an experienced CEO to build strategy, create alignment, and enable your organization to grow—on your terms.

“[Alan’s] perspectives have undoubtedly enriched our strategic outlooks and prepared us for the challenges ahead.”
Christopher McElroy, CPA | Co-Managing Shareholder, Schneider Downs

Years of CEO experience applied to your goals.

Organizations either grow or are on the path to becoming less relevant. Growth comes from an aligned team executing a well-thought-out and defined strategy. This all-day workshop experience is for companies of all sizes to define their vision and explore effective strategies to achieve their growth goals. Gain access to my years of in-the-seat experience to help encourage your leadership team to BREAK THE MOLD™ of conventional thinking and take steps toward creating a thriving, sustainable, and relevant organization.

Discussion Topics May Include

Organizational Strategy

Shifting Mindsets and Creating Alignment

People Acquisition and Development

Business and Market Development

Technology and Automation

Merger and Acquisitions

Who is it for?

Senior leadership teams and boards who want to solidify their strategies to grow and be a thriving and relevant presence in the marketplace for years to come.

How does it work?

I meet in person with your leadership team for an all-day intensive session. We’ll gather information about your organizational goals ahead of time so the duration of the day can be focused on creating alignment and the necessary steps to overcome friction points to achieve your goals.

How will it benefit my organization?

These sessions are designed with your team and unique goals in mind. Agendas will be tailored to your needs and specific situation. I will direct the day’s discussion toward the areas of friction and the most important elements for your success based on my years of experience leading organizations.

“Alan is very engaging and great at challenging the audience to think about what success looks like and how to think differently to be successful.
Stacie Kwaiser, CPA | CEO, Rehmann

Your next stage of growth starts with an effective strategy

If you’re ready to see how a strategy session can help your organization overcome friction points and empower new growth, here’s how the process works.

  1. Every conversation starts with a discovery call.

    Fill out the form and schedule a call with me to discuss your organization’s current state and goals for the session.

  2. Pick a date for your session.

    If there’s a mutual fit, we’ll schedule a date to host a live session at your office.

  3. Prepare for your session.

    Leading up to your workshop date, we will work with your team to tailor the agenda to your organization’s needs.

Request a discovery call.